Thinking about work as a place for acquiring skills, professional development and professionalisation implies defining and specifying this human activity during which the subject exercises, gets involved, confronts and sometimes endures, but also transforms his or her professional environment, its norms and rules, and confronts work situations that he or she partly shapes. There is a need here, while taking into account work from ergonomics, ergology, activity analysis, professional didactics, anthropology and ethnology of work, sociology of work and professions, sociolinguistics of work, history and sociohistory of work and training... to think about the factors situated in a tensional field between work and training, which participate in the transformation of professions, identity and professional practices: adult learners, trainers, coaches, tutors, but also training managers, training engineers, work analysts, health managers, paramedics, ergonomists, certifiers, in the fields of education, training, social work, health.
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